The Magical Letter

A magical story based on the idea of “pay-it-forward”! As he discovers writing, Nitai decides to write a letter to his mother. His words are passed on from one person to another and magically touch them in a very meaningful way. The story is told from a unique point of view that of the letter […]

A Night at the Playground

Such a strange little boy he is, Ben Guggenheim. He always wants things when it’s not the right time! Or wants what there is – but not straight away,And what there is none of he must have, today!One evening near bedtime, it’s already dark He goes with his parents to play in the park! Ben likes […]

Diary of a Shark Catcher

Stunning Interplay between text and illustrations. Diary of a Shark Catcher is not just another diary for young readers. Through skilled and touching writing, it renders the internal world of a teenage girl, Gal, who runs away from her home in Jerusalem, aiming to solve the riddle of her father’s disappearance. The story follows one pivotal […]

A Whale on a Sunny Day

An ingenious story about dealing with breakup and depression at a young age. A little girl wakes up in the middle of the night and hears an unbearable whistle. The adults do not understand her condition and think that the noise she hears in her mind is just a kettle, or the neighbor’s whistles. A […]

Simon Says

Do what Dad says, Listen to adults And follow the rules … Young children’s daily routines are full of instructions which they must obey. But sometimes a child wants to fly on the wings of imagination and be King for one night, decide that it is permitted to jump on the bed, ride wolves or […]

Aryeh Ben-Naim the 14th

A wonderful and captivating children’s book that deals with a highly important issue occupying the minds of so many children: the need to be like everyone else. Aryeh Ben-Naim doesn’t like his name anymore. All the kids around him have regular names, and only he has the name of an eighty-year-old grandfather. It isn’t a […]

Grandpa’s Back Blocks Everything

Every little child who has ever ridden on a bicycle with an adult has faced the same problem: the adult sits in front and blocks everything ahead from the view of the child behind him. In Grandpa’s Back Blocks Everything, the author describes this sweet-and-sour experience, telling the story of a grandson taken by his grandfather […]

When We Had Wings | When We Flew Away

Two volumes of an exceptional humanistic literary work about the world’s first democratic orphanage. When We Had Wings won Andersen Honor Citation 2014, Lea Goldberg Prize 2013, Dafdaf prize 2012, Israeli Public Libraries Prize, was selected for schooll book list by The Ministry of Education, selected as most beloved book by students for 2014 and 2015, […]

Lenny & Benny

Who of us has not experienced a sting of pain when we thought we were the best at something – and suddenly the crown was passed on to somebody else? Lenny was the forest jumping champion, until Benny arrived on the scene and beat him big time, and Lenny decided that his opponent cheated and […]